Capacity Development for Marine Rangers

Marine rangers and subsistence fishers_©PeterChadwick_AfricanConservationPhotographer

While there is much effort being placed on capacity development for terrestrial rangers across the globe, there are few concerted efforts of support for marine rangers. The Western Indian Ocean Certification of Marine Protected Area Professionals (WIO-COMPAS) is the only program across the globe that recognizes standards of capability and excellence of marine protected area personnel. The program is now ten years old and has been run through the Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA) with support from USAID and the Coastal Resource Centre.

I am proud to say that I am both a Level 2 and 3 MPA professional as well as being an assessor for this incredible program that has certified over 85 professionals across numerous African countries. Our most recent event has just been completed in Mombasa, Kenya. Here marine personnel from Kenya and South Africa interact and discuss marine enforcement issues within the Mombasa Marine Protected Area managed by the Kenyan Wildlife Services. You can find out more about WIO-COMPAS by contacting me or through