Ranger Wellbeing is Paramount in Helping Address Wildlife Crime


Given the tremendous potential dangers and stresses that rangers face in their work countering wildlife crime, it is imperative that we support them to the fullest with the highest levels of leadership, training and equipment and wellbeing programs. Each ranger must understand their specific role in achieving the bigger picture of preventing wildlife crime and ensuring effectively managed protected areas. Importantly, we need to create ranger teams of thinkers that can constructively problem solve under crisis conditions.

For the ranger to be able to achieve their tasks, stress and risk reduction are imperative and this is possible through proper initial selection where mental and physical fortitude are tested. It is also vital to ensure regular scenario specific refresher training takes place and that the rangers are psychologically prepared for the possible risks and consequences that they might face. Finally, proper and thorough briefing and debriefing sessions must take place before and after every patrol.

Ranger wellbeing is paramount as is adequate life and health insurance. Follow Ranger Protect to see how you can make a positive difference supporting Africa’s rangers at the conservation frontline. Through properly supporting our ranger teams it is possible for them to gain the upper hand against the rampant wildlife crime that is currently a scourge across the globe.