World-renowned as one of the most important breeding areas for Southern Right Whales on the planet, De Hoop Nature Reserve and Marine Protected Area is also a flagship for fynbos conservation and is internationally recognised as part of a World Heritage Site.
The terrestrial reserve is home to numerous endemic, bird, mammal and plant species, with at least 12 plant species being found nowhere else on the planet. The marine protected area comprises of a rocky, weathered, coastline that has numerous sandy beaches and tidal pools, while offshore, numerous reef systems are protected.
1 of 12: African Black Oystercatcher territorial pair calling, De Hoop Nature Reserve, Western Cape, South Africa
2 of 12: Mussel beds and sea lettuce exposed on the rocky intertidal flats of De Hoop Marine Protected Area at low tide, Western Cape, South Africa
3 of 12: Southern Right Whale mother and calf resting on the surface, De Hoop Marine Protected Area, Western Cape, South Africa
4 of 12: Sun set over the coastal sand dunes of De Hoop Nature Reserve, Western Cape, South Africa
5 of 12: Three camouflaged eggs of a Caspian Tern placed in a shallow scrape above the high water mark on the beach, De Hoop Marine Protected Area, Western Cape, South Africa
6 of 12: Greater-Striped Swallow pair at the waters edge with one bird collecting nesting material, while the second bird takes to flight, De Hoop Nature Reserve, Western Cape, South Africa
7 of 12: Knysna Woodpecker in the tree canopy, De Hoop Nature Reserve, Western Cape, South Africa
8 of 12: Cape Vulture in flight, De Hoop Nature Reserve, Western Cape, South Africa
9 of 12: Helmeted Guineafowl scratching in the dirt for food, De Hoop Nature Reserve, Western Cape, South Africa
10 of 12: Cape Mountain Zebra dust-bathing, De Hoop Nature Reserve, Western Cape, South Africa
11 of 12: Young eland bulls spar playfully with one another while also testing their strength, De Hoop Nature Reserve, Western Cape, South Africa
12 of 12: Juvenile Cape Cobra with distinctive brown band and raised hood, De Hoop Reserve, Western Cape, South Africa
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