Lake Nakuru National Park

Lake Nakuru National Park lies within the Rift Valley of Kenya and at its core, has a large soda lake that attracts thousands of flamingoes, pelicans and other waterbirds. The lake only occupies about a third of the national park and is fringed by swamps and grasslands that extend into vast fever tree forests and rocky hillsides.

Over 450 bird species have been recorded and wildlife is prolific with Thompsons and Grants Gazelles grazing together with Burchells Zebras, Impalas, Eland, Defassa Waterbucks and large herds of Cape Buffaloes. Good numbers of lion, leopard and spotted hyena also occur.

Lake Nakuru National Park_©PeterChadwick_AfricanConservationPhotographer

1 of 12: Cape Buffalo bulls rubbing against one another affectionately, Lake Nakuru National Park, Kenya

Lake Nakuru National Park_©PeterChadwick_AfricanConservationPhotographer

2 of 12: A Cape Buffalo bull emerges from the cooling water of Lake Nakuru in late afternoon and as Lesser Flamigoes stand in the background, Lake Nakuru National Park, Kenya

Lake Nakuru National Park_©PeterChadwick_AfricanConservationPhotographer

3 of 12: A White Rhino grazes along the shoreline of Lake Nakuru National Park and as Lesser Flamingoes flock in the background, Kenya

Lake Nakuru National Park_©PeterChadwick_AfricanConservationPhotographer

4 of 12: A Spotted Hyena carries out a dawn patrol for prey along the shoreline of Lake Nakuru, Kenya

Lake Nakuru National Park_©PeterChadwick_AfricanConservationPhotographer

5 of 12: Thompson's Gazelle rams stand facing into light rain, Lake Nakuru National Park, Kenya

Lake Nakuru National Park_©PeterChadwick_AfricanConservationPhotographer

6 of 12: Burchells Zebra stallions rear up and bite one another during fighting, Lake Nakuru National Park, Kenya

Lake Nakuru National Park_©PeterChadwick_AfricanConservationPhotographer

7 of 12: Lesser Flamingoes congregate along the shoreline of Lake Nakuru to preen and rest at the end of the day, Kenya

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8 of 12: Great White Pelicans awaken and stir to begin preening at dawn. Lake Nakuru National Park, Kenya

Lake Nakuru National Park_©PeterChadwick_AfricanConservationPhotographer

9 of 12: A Great White Pelican bathes vigorously in a fresh water inlet to Lake Nakuru National Park, Kenya

Lake Nakuru National Park_©PeterChadwick_AfricanConservationPhotographer

10 of 12: Portrait of a Marabou Stork showing its facial detail, Lake Nakuru National Park, Kenya

Lake Nakuru National Park_©PeterChadwick_AfricanConservationPhotographer

11 of 12: The beauty of an African Pygmy Kingfisher, Lake Nakuru National Park, Kenya

Lake Nakuru National Park_©PeterChadwick_AfricanConservationPhotographer

12 of 12: The aptly named Superb Glossy Starling, Lake Nakuru National Park, Kenya

Visit African Conservation Photography for a full gallery of of Lake Nakuru images.